Pain knows no age, gender, race or religion. It is common to the human condition. As such, all throughout history, medicine has sought many different solutions to ease the sufferer's pain. In earliest China they discovered that heat and nerve induction interruption, acupuncture, were key to pain relief.
In the past 150 years, medicine has sought to relieve pain through medication that affected the pain centers of the brain or decrease tissue inflammation. These drugs however also have negative effects on the liver, stomach, kidney and other organs. Recently, science has determined that ultra sound, muscle vibrations, (TENS®), and other means can have favorable effects on pain reduction. Up until recently, most of these new topical treatments had to be applied in doctor's offices or Physical Therapy, (PT) centers. |
Joint PainDebilitating joint pain affects a large mount of the USA population. Find out more information below.
Back PainBack pain can affect anyone at any age and can be very intrusive into their daily lives. It can be combated and reduced.
TestimonialsVBand is a patent pending product undergoing clinical trials at orthopedic offices and physical therapy centers. See some of the results below.